Herbs and Thrush and Candida

Candida Herbal Tonic

Herbs and Thrush and Candida
The facts about yeast infection (when friendly yeasts turn into aggressive fungal colonies)

Causes of the spread of Candida
Let’s begin this overview of candida with a statement about the causes that lead to candida infections. There is no doubt that candida has developed into the serious threat that it is today due to the decades of dishing out antibiotics for virtually any condition that presented in the consulting room of our GPs. And if it wasn’t antibiotics it was the overuse of steroids. Another medication that has lowered resistances especially in young women is the long-term use of the Pill. But what is worse that all three of those drugs put together is the unregulated promotion of sugar products as advertisements of health and happiness directed towards children for the last 60 years. Sweets, breakfast cereals, sugary fruit drinks, sugar in tea and milky drinks, refined sugar in cakes and biscuits, sugar in sauces and packet foods, sugar in different guises, as glucose syrup, puddings, custards, and in so-called health foods, so that children have grown up with it in their lives and at every mealtime, which is then passed down the generations. To the extent that we speak about ‘my sweetheart’, ‘sweety’, he or she ‘is so sweet’, etc. Chocolate is the gift of love whether to children at Easter or Christmas or on their birthday or on Valentine’s day.But if that was the only time it was eaten it might be excusable and acceptable, but seets and chocolates are eaten every day and at every mealtime as jam, puddings, cakes, candy bars, chocolate nuts, refined carbs, etc, etc. Candida loves sucrose. It is even suggested that candida develops to such an extent that it actually drives people’s brains to desire sugar so as to maintain its (candida’s) life. It’s not the person that is addicted to sugar but the candida in the person.

Symptoms of Candida
Candida albicans is a yeast that is responsible for thrush and a huge number of other illnesses including cancer. Candida diseases can lead to a person’s death. Many women believe that candida can only live in the vagina. In fact, the main reservoir for candida is in the gut. Normally, relatively low levels of candida are present in the gut as they are balanced by large amounts of healthy bacteria that help keep the yeast in check. Problems occur when yeast starts to overgrow in the gut that can ultimately lead to a variety of symptoms such as bloating, wind and constipation and/or diarrhoea, skin rashes, constant exhaustion, persistent coughing, chronic sore throat and earache. Candida can make the lining of the gut leaky (leaky gut syndrome) that increases the risk of food sensitivity and allergic reactions. Candida affects men and women alike but is more common in women. Most people contract candida after taking antibiotics, by eating excessive sugar and yeasty products.
Outside the gut, the spread of candida is associated with symptoms such as itching, fatigue, food cravings, headaches, and general aches and pains and arthritis, tongue sensitivity, itchy anus, itchy genitals, dandruff. Once you have a chronic sore throat and/or cough for which your doctor can find no specific cause this is often a sign that the candida has migrated from the gut to the throat. At this point unless you do something quite quickly asthma may result. Candida only becomes this severe if you ignore initial symptoms and if your immune system is extremely low.
Another misconception is that you can’t have candida if you don’t have thrush. In fact, the majority of women with a candida problem do not have thrush symptoms.

The secret to reducing candida is by starving it out of the gut. Yeast loves sugar and refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice and pasta. These foods should be eliminated from the diet for at least a month. Sugar is your biggest enemy and must be avoided in all forms including honey and fruit juice in order to starve the candida. The supplements suggested will not work if you continue to eat foods containing yeast and sugar.
Fruit ferments and can add to the problem. Therefore, for the first month if you want fruit only eat papaya, bananas, pears and apples and then other fruits can gradually be re-introduced. It is also necessary to avoid foods containing yeast. These include bread, cheese, alcohol, yeast extract spreads, stock cubes and gravy mixes, dried fruit, mushrooms, soy sauce and vinegar. There are now plenty of yeast free breads and biscuits available from health stores.
The diet should be based around fresh vegetables, whole grains like brown rice and whole-wheat pasta, meat and fish. Live, low fat natural yoghurt contains bacterial cultures that help restore beneficial bacteria in the gut in the short term.
Having said all this, it should be noted that a healthy immune system keeps the body in balance and wont succumb to thrush or candida spread. This is where taking ThrushLess Tonic benefits. It attacks candida fungus, balances the yeast and boosts the body’s natural protective systems.

Thrush in the mouth
Thrush in the mouth can be a real problem if allowed to persist. It can attack the gums causing gingivitis, and it can cause glossitis (inflamed tongue), geographic tongue (cracked, painful tongue) that can affect the normal tastes of foods. Apart from taking ThrushLess Candida Tonic it would be highly beneficial to use MouthShield mouth wash daily to help clear and shield the mouth for this virulent fungus.

Supplements that may help
Two live acidophilus/bifidus capsules daily to replace the good bacteria in the gut plus garlic to help eliminate the candida. Keep these capsules in the fridge at all times. Mycopryl, made from time released caprylic acid taken regularly will help to inhibit yeast overgrowth. (Do not take if pregnant or suffering intestinal ulcers). Grapefruit Seed Extract really helps to kill yeast infections. The best supplement is our ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder Plus, read more.

Recent research indicates that people who have persistent and chronic candida may have intestinal parasites known as flukes and worms. We have a specialist tonic to clear parasites and intestinal worms it is also designed to keep candida in check.

ThrushLess (Candida) Tonic
Uses the most recent scientific advances in botanical medicine. Herbs for all the symptoms of candida including probiotics for the immune system. Specially useful are herbs high in the constituent called berberine, e.g. Barberry (Berberis vulgaris), Oregon Grape root and Golden Thread. Galangal adds to the balancing in the natural bacteria in the intestines. Hormonal restoratives normalize the hormone system. Echinacea, wormwood and Pau d’Arco are amongst the herbs in the tonic.

Should there be a reduction of the lymphocyte population within the overall immune system this could predispose people to opportunistic fungal infections leading to a possible life of chronic disease.
The incidence of candida infections has increased a great deal over the last 20-30 years. Candida is the most common fungal pathogen of humans and has become one of the most common causes of infective diseases.
It’s not commonly known that deaths due to candidiasis are high. It is estimated that 75% of all healthy women suffer from vaginal thrush sometime in their lives, while 5% have frequent recurrent bouts.
Candida yeasts reside as commensal organisms as part of everyone’s normal healthy microflora. However, if the balance of the normal flora is disrupted in any way by way of stress or the immune system’s normal defences are compromised then the friendly Candida yeasts can change becoming seriously pathogenic fungi causing debilitating diseases. So from friend of the body Candida can quickly become a deadly enemy of the body given the right conditions (i.e. if the person’s natural defences are low). This term ‘quickly’ is not an exaggeration because the change to a noxious disease-causing fungus in any organ of the body, even the brain and nervous system, is completely accurate. The tiny yeasts of astronomical number supporting and sustaining the health of the human organism, when the environment changes due to shifts in the structure and atmosphere of the tissues and nutritional supplies, don’t take long to turn into colonies of fungi which can be difficult to kill and eliminate so that health can be restored. This is called phenotypic switching – a unicellular yeast becomes (switches) into a multicellular invasive sexual organism with long sharp infective lances (filaments, hyphae) that are used to pierce into healthy cells disrupting their action and function. The princess is changed into a poisonous toad.
Once the candida yeasts are transformed into fungi they can colonise organs to cause adhesions between tissues and organs, or they can invade tissues and organs, eating into them causing malfunction and the development of disease.

A brief lesson on mycology
Candida albicans is a friendly unicellular yeast that is part of human natural microflora. It contains 10 proteinases. This is a lot. And having this number of these kinds of enzymes makes this organism dangerously poised between two worlds – one where it is altruistic with a life of love and help to its host (us humans), and the other is ugly and twisted and selfish, where it turns on its friends and sucks out their life and poisons them and brings about disfigurement and derangement, when it turns into a mushroom of awful proportions. It is only when the host changes as stated earlier that the yeast changes. The host changes due to stress or nutrient deficiency and lowered immunoprotection. This is when these enzymes (called secreting aspartyl proteinases, SAPs) take on a different purpose. They force the Candida to grow lance-like filaments (hyphae) which are used to stick into cells it was helping, sucking up their contents, digesting them and distorting them without actually killing them (sounds a bit like what is described for the action of cancer cells, doesn’t it?). A microbial attack that can have a devastatingly disarming effect on their hosts (people). It is a major concern for medicine. There simply aren’t any drugs to deal with such candida virulence and the many and varied diseases it causes. The best drug to date is called pepstatin which inhibits certain of the SAPs (certainly SAP2, but also possibly SAP1 and SAP3, but none of the other 7 SAPs). This is encouraging but far from adequate and a long way from protecting the millions of people that are affected by the range of candida-caused debilitating diseases. What’s more, Candida has the ability of adaptation, thereby side-stepping (resisting) drug treatments, making it a huge challenge to the development of specific drugs for the different SAP diseases that the adaptations Candida takes according to the different tissues it attaches to.
So if drug treatments are so limited and not likely to appear in the near future what alternatives could we consider?
Medicinal herbs are the only alternative that can give hope to those who have candida colony illness in its different degrees of severity, from thrush (mouth and vagina), skin diseases, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders (IBS, diverticulitis, Crohn’s), stress, depression, bi-polar, autoimmune diseases and Alzheimer’s right through to many cancers. Many researchers regard Candida to be behind virtually all serious diseases.
There is a traditional remedy of herbal origin that has been used for generations that was even included in the British Pharmacopoeia. This is the use of turpentine (pine gum oil) treatment as a preventative and for general illness and candida (fungal infections).

Simple test for candida
Here is a recommended test to assess whether you have an excess of Candida albicans in your body; it is a test that you can do in your own home. This is what you do:
1. First thing in the morning, before you put anything in your mouth, fill a clear glass with room temperature still bottled water.
2. Work up quite a bit of saliva in your mouth, then spit it into the glass of water. And leave it.
3. Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. This is what you look for:
a. Iif you see strings (like legs) traveling/hanging down in the water from the saliva floating on the surface, or if you see “cloudy” saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks that are suspended in the water, it is highly likely that you have Candida.
b. If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating on the surface after at least one hour, you probably do not have Candida or you have it under control.

Candida and Treatment
Candida is associated with persistent symptoms like ear and sinus problems, skin diseases (fungal, eczema, psoriasis) upper respiratory infections, PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, hypothyroidism, hypoglycaemia, acne, and anxiety as well as more severe conditions such as autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, lupus, autism, mental illness and even cancer. This fungus burrows its roots (see details above) into the intestinal lining and creates leaky gut – porous openings in the gut lining – which allows the fungus and its by-products to escape into the blood stream. Candida albicans is the most common human systemic pathogen causing most mucosal and systemic infections, particularly in immunocompromised people. The systemic fungal infection is called candidiasis. This is rarely recognised by GP and orthodox doctors. The major causes of candida overgrowth are antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, oestrogen replacement therapy, poor diet, chemotherapy, radiation, heavy metals, alcohol overuse, recreational drugs, and stress. Yeast overgrowth thrives in the presence of diets high in refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, dairy products, alcohol, processed foods, and hormones secreted as a result of high stress levels. The fungus colonies use the sugar as fuel to reproduce itself and spread. The more it spreads the more problems occur with its excreted fungal toxins – the by-products produced by the yeast. These toxins disrupt cellular communication. Once that happens, inflammation and infection settle wherever we are genetically weak. Mycotoxins are neurotoxins that destroy and decompose tissues and organs. They upset the very communication of cell interactions, disrupt RNA and DNA synthesis, damage and destroy neurons, are carcinogenic, and cause ataxia (lack of coordination) and even convulsions. It is likely to be the cause of undiagnosed vertigo and Menieres disease. The body attacks itself, as in those with autoimmune diseases. One of the major toxins produces from candida albicans is acetaldehyde (a by-product of alcohol metabolism), which the liver converts into a harmless substance. But with an excess of acetaldehyde and the liver becomes oversaturated and cannot cope, it is released into the bloodstream, creating feelings of intoxication, brain fog, vertigo, and loss of equilibrium. Another mycotoxin is gliotoxin. This deactivates important enzymes and causes DNA changes in the white blood cells, which suppresses the immune system. As your immune system continues to weaken from fungus and mycotoxins, more infections arise, and you end up at the doctor’s office again – being prescribed more antibiotics and perpetuating the vicious cycle.
Therefore, when treating candida, I suggest using a broad-spectrum antimicrobial herbal remedy that addresses not only yeast and fungus but bacteria, parasites, and viruses as well. The goal of treating candidiasis is to kill fungus and eradicate excess yeast. You never fully rid the body of yeast; you just get the levels back into balance.
Achieving this balance requires a two-pronged strategy:
1. first, taking an antifungal herbal medicine like ThrushLess Tonic (although you may prefer a more specific medicine for your needs) to kill the yeast overgrowth,
2. and second, modifying your diet to starve off the excess yeast.
The treatment is simple, but it takes diligence, discipline, and consistency on your part to achieve a successful outcome. To assist with this process, you need to make sure that all your elimination pathways – your kidneys, bowels, lungs, liver, and skin – are functioning optimally.

General Treatment of Candida Infections
This is what a herbal practitioner does when making a prescription for a person with Candida:
1. Immune-enhancement –  e.g. take Echinacea, Baptisia (wild indigo root), Andrographis (for acute infections), etc.
2. Warming circulatory stimulants to promote defensive immune action in relation to acute and chronic infections: e.g. ginger, cayenne, cinnamon, etc.
3. For specific organs: e.g. strong bitters for enteric infections; milk thistle seed etc for liver infections; expectorants for lung infections; also for example: St John’s wort for the long-term treatment of infections with enveloped viruses; Thuja for viral infections, etc. (contact Herbactive for your own specific herbal medicine).
4. The regular intake of the 4×4, see below. 1Tbsp daily.
5. Kidneys and Bloodstream – drink 2L water daily plus red clover tea 4 cups (200ml) per day.
6. Bowels and Elimination – take 1Tbsp of ground flaxseed daily. Get a bowel movement 2-3 times a day is ideal. Follow our recommended Candida Diet.
7. Lungs and Breathing – it is claimed that 75% of the toxins you eliminate will leave your body through your respiration. To facilitate this, do deep breathing exercise several times a day. Focus on your belly, expanding as you inhale for a count of seven, holding for a count of 7, exhaling for seven and holding for seven.
8. Lymph and Skin – (a) exercise and sweating; (b) brushing or massaging (squeezing) your skin from feet, finger tips, head towards your heart area before showering.
9. Gallbladder and Liver – take a cleansing gallbladder tonic for 3 months. GallstoneLess Tonic.
10. The antifungal you take is crucial. Herbal antifungals are confirmed to be just as effective and safer for the body [than drugs] by most natural health practitioners working with candida. The best herbal antifungal remedy is the new and stronger ThrushLess Candida Tonic. Herbs include the following: Bearberry Archostaphylos uva ursi – antimicrobial against Candida. Buchu Agathosma betulina – antimicrobial Candida, Staph aureus. Chelidonium majus – marked activity against Candida and Salmonella. Chamomile Matricaria recultita – antimicrobial against Candida, Staph, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia, Streptococcus, Leptospira, H. pylori. Peppermint  – antimicrobial against Candida. Thyme  – antimicrobial against Candida. Berberine plants  – antimicrobial against Candida. Calendula  – antimicrobial against Candida. Thuja  – antimicrobial against Candida. Plus these specific herbs: Oregano oil, Pau d’arco, Oregon grape root, Milk thistle seed, St John’s wort, Black walnut, Garlic, Ginger, Gentian root, Marshmallow root, Fennel seed. To order our new and strengthened ThrushLess Tonic for Candida go to our store or call us.


Traditional Turpentine Treatment
This is the old use of turpentine gum oil internally as a preventative and for general illness and candida (fungal infections).

What is turpentine?
Turpentine gum oil. Scientific Name(s): Pinus palustris Mill. and several other species and varieties of Pine trees, Spruce, (also Eucalyptus are sometimes included). Family: Pinaceae. Common Name(s): Turpentine, gum turpentine, turpentine oil, turpentine balsam, Pine Gum Oil. Uses: Turpentine has been used experimentally in a bath for the treatment of disseminated sclerosis and sexual dysfunction. It also has been studied for its antibacterial activity and inhibition of osteoclast activity. Turpentine is utilized in experimental models of inflammation to induce a systemic inflammatory immune response in animals. Review adverse reactions and toxicology: Avoid use during pregnancy and lactation because of toxicity. Adverse Reactions: The contact allergenic activity of turpentine is believed to be caused primarily by the pinenes, 3-carene, and dipentene. The resin also has irritant potential. Toxicology: If ingested, turpentine is highly toxic and fatal poisonings have been reported in children who have ingested small quantities of turpentine.
The term “turpentine” is used imprecisely to describe either the oleoresin obtained from the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) or the slash pine (P. elliottii Engelm.) along with other Pinus species that yield exclusively terpene oils, or the essential oil obtained from the above oleoresin. More than a half-dozen additional Pine tree species have been used in the production of turpentine. The oleoresin is sometimes referred to as “gum turpentine” while turpentine or its oil (also known as spirits of turpentine) are terms for the essential oil. Following steam distillation, gum turpentine yields turpentine oil and a resin called colophony (also known as rosin). Alternately, rosin is collected by scarring the tree trunk, and then various grades of material are refined. Turpentine and rosin also are obtained by the steam distillation of pinewood chips that are by-products of the lumber and paper industries, and these sources currently account for the bulk of their production.

History of the Use of Turpentine
Today, the primary use of turpentine is as a solvent in oil paints or a cleaner. During the last century, it became an important starting material for the commercial synthesis of many widely used compounds, including camphor and menthol. Various products derived from turpentine have been used in chewing gums, and steam-distilled turpentine oil has been used as a food and beverage flavouring in very small quantities (typically about 20 ppm). Turpentine and its related products have a long history of medicinal use primarily as topical counterirritants for the treatment of rheumatic disorders and muscle pain. A gum derived from turpentine was used in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve the pain of toothaches. Other extracts (including the semi-synthetic derivative terpin hydrate) have been used for the treatment of cough and cold symptoms; the cis-form of terpin hydrate is used as an expectorant. There appears to have been a long tradition in countries with poverty and slavery when the old remedy of turpentine ingestion was popular “to keep infections away”;  the dose was always low. Ingestion of turpentine as a medicine is mentioned in 19th Century British Pharmacopoeia, the dose is shown to be wide ranging viz. 1-15ml (ANH). I found no reference to its use against yeast or fungal infections.
Canada turpentine or Canada balsam is an oleoresin obtained from the stems of the balsam fir, Abies balsamea (Family Pinaceae).
A variety of gum and resin products had been derived from pines for use in the early naval industry as tars and pitches. Consequently the terms “wood naval stores” and “gum naval stores” came to be associated with these pine-derived products.

Chemistry of Turpentine
Turpentine is composed primarily of monoterpene hydrocarbons, the most prevalent of which are the pinenes, camphene, and 3-carene. Rosin contains mostly diterpene resin acids, such as abietic acid, dehydroabietic acid, palustric acid, and isopimaric acid. Numerous other compounds are present in small quantities in all turpentine products. (It is noteworthy that terpenoids are found in many other plant oils e.g. thyme, peppermint, thuja, tea tree, cinnamon, etc).

Uses and Pharmacology of turpentine
Turpentine and its related products (the oil and rosin) are important in commerce and traditional medicine. These products can pose a toxicity problem and should be handled and stored carefully. Literature primarily documents turpentine being utilized in experimental models of inflammation to induce a systemic inflammatory immune response in animals.


Personal experiment with turpentine treatment
I have done a turpentine treatment. Here is an edited blog commentary:

Alan Hopking: Just bought turpentine at my hardware and paint store cost £9.59 for 500ml … pure gum … for thinning paints, and mixing artists oil paints and varnishes, it says on the bottle! Different job for this bottle of turps!!!!
After a lot more reading I’ve taken the plunge. At 2pm took my first teaspoon of turps … I’ll keep u posted!!! …dose is 1tsp once a day for 4 days.
I feel fine … pine winds have been blowing from north and south … but my head has been very clear for a Saturday! It has affected me … and it seems positive … see if more action comes tomorrow. Some say it’s best taken at night to avoid the side effects… It’s now 10 hours since my treatment … I’m looking fwd to a result tomor morning : ))
Denis: I have been watching a few videos. Most say take it with 4tsp honey and whizz it up. How are you this morning? It sounds like a cure all for almost everything from scratches to cancer…
Alan Hopking: I’m following traditional instructions… But I agree u cd take it anyhow … just don’t take too much!!!
2nd Day: I’m sitting on loo with very healthy diarrhoea … everything feels better …!!! Traditional treatment is a 5-point plan which takes 3 weeks…I jumped in at number 5 as I am pretty healthy anyway!
Amazing that just 1tsp has done this viz diarrhoea … and 16 hours after the dose!
I’m reading a scientific paper about Candida albicans  … it’s a complete revelation … it’s a pathogen of hellish proportions !!! What it does to our innocent friendly cells is DEVILISH!!!
Denis: Now turps. Candida. The runs. Jennifer Daniels. My research has only gone as far as JD and the herbal guy in Canada. It all sounds almost too fantastic – the healer of everything it seems. But candida is the major problem on probably almost every level. I will be getting some tomorrow. Keep me tuned to how things progress
Alan Hopking: More water from nether end …no one said anything about this!!! A complete clean out! But feeling fine! Going out soon so I hope that’s the end of it!
Denis: Apparently diarrhoea is what should/must happen after injestion.
What brand?
Alan Hopking: It no matter what brand … make sure it’s pure gum turpentine … in Oz they talk of Diggers brand
I’ve bought Mylands pure pine turps. The one I’m on is by Rustins
Denis: Apparently pine nut oil is also incredibly healing as well. As is frankensence oil. Also 1/8 tsp baking soda in water a few times a day for a few days gets rid of thrush. So quite a few alternatives
Alan Hopking: Hi. Yes I’m good. I had my third dose an hour ago. Been thinking … this is extreme! It’s cheap and mostly for poor and desperate people who are seriously ill … no-hopers … including those with HIV …with no specific diagnoses and no available treatment … turps may help (but hell what’s the odds!! They say).
I.e. it’s a trad remedy, cheap, unresearched, with dubious results ….
I say there are safer ways of natural treatment (which include safe amounts of terpenoids) … ie keep to herbs and diet… and take the 4×4 (see below)
I’m gonna continue to research herbs with terpenoids to see if they deal with candida as effectively claimed for turpentine.
I’ll finish the treatment course I’m on (for science!) … but as I said, this is a hyped up remedy in my opinion, and holds very little truth. It’s another “conspiracy” remedy … so called suppressed by the money men and big pharma …a load of BS! Despite this I’m willing to continue what I’ve set out to do … find out more, because a grain of truth is no doubt hidden in the pile of BS!
I’m certain the oils of rosemary, thyme, camphor, lemon, etc can be used instead (if terpenoids are what is needed to kill fungus) … but they’re expensive … hence the blacks of the slave trade in former times and poor people in general couldn’t afford them …
Denis: I get what you are saying. But how do you find out the truth. One thing I read about the tree itself – it developed this turpenoid to protect itself from fungal attack. So this makes it a healer like tea tree
Alan Hopking: I agree … it’s using a strong toxin (like bitters in plants) in small amounts to possibly do the job of killing rampant Candida quickly. My forecast is that this is a big hype and too good to be true!
Candida is a healthy yeast … unicellular, with 10 proteinases (enzymes), which turn it into a fungus that reproduces by eating tissues, organs, the brain, etc (brief summary!!!)
Denis: Nothing is more powerful than what is in the 4×4 garlic lemon ginger turmeric kn … origano oil is more effective than garlic even
Alan Hopking: Perhaps put a few drops of turps in with 4×4…? Nice pine taste!
I’m looking at my 1867 British Pharmacopoeia. On page 90 it describes how to make and take the Confection of Turpentine. It’s made with powdered liquorice and honey. And the dose is 4-8g up to 3x/day. Proving Turps was used in medicine.
It also has recipes for a liniment and an enema using turpentine (old name Terebinthinae)
This is what I was looking for: the dose for taking the oil of turpentine page 228. Says it’s distilled from the resin of Pinus pulustris and the dose is 10 minims to 4fl. drachms!
I’ll have to work this out!
This is rather interesting. Doses for the oil of turpentine as in 1867 BP are: 1 to 15ml 3x/day. Big dose range … Surprising isn’t it?
I’m also reading Trease and Evans an official pharmacognosy text book. It says “oil of turpentine is now rarely given internally” i.e. it was used and sometimes is still used internally …
I’m taking 5ml pure gum turpentine on a dessertspoon of white sugar chased by a pint of water first thing in the morning before breakfast.
Taken my 4th dose this morning but 10ml this time!! I think sugar is easiest and quickest! Daniels only recommended 1tsp per day for 4 days because of her bad experience of taking it on the 7th day …i.e. adapt its use according to ur need …i.e. there’s no strict reason to stop after 4 days, she was just being ultra-cautious … people of old finished when they were better … or stop after 4 days then take turpentine twice a week (5ml/day) until you feel better …
Having said that I cd just as well say, rather use the 4×4 because it’s prob far more effective! Certainly a lot safer!!

Strong Herbal Antifungal Treatment of Candida
This is a strong antifungal herbal medicine based on the latest research and which are included in the ThrushLess Candida Tonic. Described above.

4×4 Turbo

Here is a simple recipe to turbo charge your blood vessels and vitality. This will clear the crud in your body and blood, reduce blood vessel inflammation (thereby improving your blood pressure and circulation), it will help kill Candida fungus infections, and strengthen your immune system. Take daily long-term for health and sexual vigour. By the way, there’ll be no garlic smell on your breath.

This job is for men!
1. Grab 4 bulbs of garlic and 4 lemons.
2. Get a large chunk of fresh root ginger also (this gives ‘turbo’ to the mix). All organic of course. And have the 4th of 4 standing by – turmeric powder.
3. Slice them all into 4. Don’t remove the skin or anything!
4. Put them in a pan with a litre of still spring water. Put the lid on.
5. On the lowest heat bring them to the boil; allow to simmer 40 mins.
6. Leave to cool with the lid on; strain the liqueur when still warm.
7. Press out the garlic and lemons and ginger – I use a potato mash press – to get as much juice out as possible (ask your better half what’s available for this job).
8. Add 4tsp of turmeric powder.
9. Put in a bottle with a screw top and keep in the fridge.
10. Take a shot glass of this every day (approx 20ml or a Tbsp).

Optional extras:
Add a few pinches of cayenne and cinnamon for extra taste and zing.
Add a few drops of thyme, tea tree, or pine oil (turpentine) for extra action on candida.
Add 1-2tsp of slippery elm powder if you have gastric problems (IBS, UC, DC, Crohn’s or ulcers).

Find out about herbal medicine for treatment of this condition

Order your Candida Tonic – the new, stronger ThrushLess Tonic – specific antifungal for candida

Prices of tonics

Other tonics that may be useful
WormLess for flukes and parasites
Total Detox
MouthShield for gums, tongue and throat
ABC Daily Powder