Herbs and Improving your Fertility



We have two fertility tonics, one for women and one for men.
Fertility-Men contains specific herbs known to improve sperm count and sperm motility. The herbs in this tonic are also aphrodisiac.

Herbactive’s ABC help/support programme to improve/restore fertility in women and men:

Ten must dos to become more fertile
1. Some prescription medications can reduce your chances of conceiving, so speak to your GP about alternatives.
2. If your period (menstrual cycle) is erratic, it can be a sign of thyroid problems or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), both of which can reduce fertility. See our PCOS herbal medicine.
3. You can do some basic fertility home tests. There is a male test to find out if there’s enough motile sperm cells (ones that can swim) to fertilise an egg. The female test measures levels of the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Raised levels of FSH can be a sign that ovaries are struggling and may predict poor egg levels. Both these tests are available from Boots the Chemist in UK (called Fertell Female and Male Fertility Tests).
4. For a more comprehensive test where the hormone levels are measured in a laboratory, there’s the PlanAhead Fertility Test (also available from Boots UK). This test measures levels of the hormones FSH, AMH and Inhibin B in the blood on day 2 or 3 of your cycle, to give an indication of whether you’ve got enough eggs left.
5. Get checked for chlamydia as this may cause scarring of the fallopian tubes if left untreated, and is often symptomless so can remain undetected. (There is a home test for this available from Boots UK). If the results are positive seek treatment from your GP or pharmacist.
6. Give up smoking. Even 5 a day smokers are 1.8 times more likely than non-smokers to take over a year to conceive. Nicotine robs the body of nutrients and contains chemicals that have a direct effect on egg production. Smoking by men should also be kicked into the long grass – smoking has been found to cause the sperm of male smokers to be less likely to bind to an egg, a vital step in fertilisation. (To help stop get our SmokeLess Tonic and ABC Herbal Smoking Mixture).
7. Maintain a healthy weight. If you’re overweight your hormone production can be adversely affected. Ovulation can become irregular. If you’re very underweight ovulation can shut down completely. The ideal BMI (body mass index) for fertility has been shown to be 20-25. (Get our WeightLess Tonic or do our 5-10 day ABC Lemon Detox Fast).
8. Eat more superfoods. The quality of the food you eat makes all the difference to how your reproductive systems function (women and men). Have more fruit and veg, eat two portions of oily fish a week, avoid white flour products and eat organic whole grains instead. Men should include eggs or dairy in their daily diets to up the zinc (low zinc has been linked to low sperm count). (Get our superfood ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder Plus and also take our Fresh Organic Wheatgrass Juice; we also have aphrodisiac herbal medicines for women and men).
9. Avoid stress. Fertility experts believe stress can stop you conceiving. Taking regular, moderate exercise can help release pent-up stress and improve your fertility.
10. Know the day of ovulation. Using the mucus method or the temperature method or both you can pinpoint the day of ovulation. This opportunity must not be missed every month (and for 3 days following). Don’t use guesswork as you may miss your most fertile days. It all depends on your unique biological cycle. You must keep a record of when your period starts and how long your cycle lasts. Chart for fertile period by the changes in your vaginal secretions (around ovulation, fertile mucus becomes clear, slippery and stretches easily between your finger and thumb. You can buy home ovulation tests to detect the rise in luteinising hormone 24-36 hours before ovulation; Clearblue identifies these peak fertility days, plus an additional 1-5 days when conception is possible (all available from Boots UK). Make these days of sexual union beautiful, with flowers, candles, incence, fragrant oils. Such sexual bliss greatly helps the chances of conception. The more sex you have during these days the more likely you are to become pregnant. As sperm survives up to 48 hours in a woman’s body, have sex the day before you ovulate, and you’ll have sperm ready and waiting the moment your egg is released. Eggs survive for 12-24 hours after their release, so plenty of sex during these special days is a must.

During the week of ovulation I recommend increasing your dose of the Fertility Herbal Medicine prescribed for you by Alan Hopking MA MNIMH.

More advice about improving your chances of conceiving during intercourse click here.


I’m 38 and for three years had no period and i wanted to have a baby. I came to you and you prescribed the Fertility Tonic. I saw the fertility specialist this week (he’s regarded as one of the best specialists in the country), he was astonished to see my hormonal levels and asked about you and your medicine, and he recommended I continue with your medicine. This made me very, very pleased indeed. Thank you so much. I’m still hoping…


We also offer a specific herbal medicine for women trying to have a baby but who have fibroids and fertility resistance email for more information

Find out about herbal medicine for treatment of this condition


HerbalV8 for men
HerbalVW for wormen