HerbShield Tonic

Information about some of the important herbs in HerbShield Tonic

NB Scroll down to read about Trevor’s amazing journey through which he says he CLEARED CANCER COMPLETELY FROM HIS BODY!


Dear Alan, I visited you in the Autumn when I had had a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. I thought you may like to know that my last CT scan showed bone tumours shrunk almost beyond recognition and bones grown back, exceeding all expectations. The oncologist said I should live a long life. Thank you for your help on my journey back to health. I recommend you to many people. Alison A


“Hi Alan, I hope you are well and share a lovely sunny day with us lucky people in Liverpool…  I just wanted to say thank you so much for the fabulous herbal products… I am feeling so much better.. more alive…able to cope better….more energy and best of all less pain and a definite reduced size lump. All of this after a week! Wonderful! I will keep you updated on my progress….thank you so much. Kindest regards, Julie x”


Brief Overview of 19 Important Herbs used as Preventives against Rogue Cells

1 ASTRAGALUS (Huang Qi): A Chinese herb; an immune system booster, known to stimulate body’s natural production of interferon. It also helps the immune system identify rogue cells. Work with the herb in both cancer and AIDS cases has been encouraging. The MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Texas conducted research showing that taking Astragalus when having Radiotherapy doubled survival times.

2 BERBERIS FAMILY (Podophyllum peltanum): Slow active purgative. Research has shown these herbs to have a strong preventative action against mutation and they have been used with many serious diseases, especially ovarian masses.

3 BLOOD ROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis): Research shows consistent anti-neoplastic activity. It is said to be an effective prevention against cancer tumours, and can shrink them; and has proven useful with sarcomas.

4 BUTCHERS BROOM (Ruscus aculeatus): The active ingredients of this herb has been found to be the ruscogenins which have tumour-shrinking and anti-oestrogenic abilities. Thus its use in the preventative treatment for breast cancer.

5 CAT’S CLAW (Uncaria tormentosa): An adaptogen and powerful immuno-stimulant, it enhances the white cells’ clean up process (phagocytosis). It is an excellent companion to astragalus, curcumin and echinacea. Research indicates it can reduce tumour size, particularly with skin cancers. It also helps reduce the side-effects of chemo and radiotherapy.

6 CHAPARRAL (Larrea Mexicana); Cancer Watch covered a major research study from the US which heaped praise on this herb. It appears to boost the immune system, stop metastases and reduce tumour size. Seems especially preventative treatment against the development breast cancer. It is also an anti-oxidant and anti-microbial, with low toxicity.

7 CURCUMIN (Turmeric): This spice has been shown to have significant anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activity. That alone seems enough for certain hospitals in America to consider using it in the treatment of polyps and colon cancer. However new research shows that it can both shrink cancer tumours and stop blood supply growth to tumours (angiogenisis). It is a powerful antioxidant with liver protective benefits, and outperformed several anti-inflammatory drugs without side-effects in research.

8 DANG SHEN ROOT (Codonopsis pilosula): increases the WBC and RBC levels and is extremely helpful to patients having chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Dang Shen is an adaptogenic and therefore where patients have a low WBC count this herb will increase their levels, likewise in RBC; and vice verse. And in cancer where this occurs in chemo this herb could be beneficial.

9 ECHINACEA: Another known immune system booster, it gained a populist reputation in treating colds. There is research on its helpfulness with brain tumours apart from its abilities to increase the levels of certain immune white cells in the body.

10 FEVERFEW: This herb caused a storm when research from Rochester University in New York showed it to be more effective than the drug cytarabine in killing leukaemia cells. The US Food and Drug Agency put the active ingredient, parthenolide, on to its ‘fast track’ programme. Nothing has yet been heard. But then, the FDA has never approved a herb for use as a cancer treatment.


Dear Alan, I’ve just had the best possible results after finishing the chemo. As you know I had endometrial cancer and I have been told it is all clear, completely gone. I am so grateful to you herbwise! Your treatment and care had the most action for this result. The HerbShield and LymphCleanse Tonics were supurb, as also the ABC Powder and Oil. I plan to continue these herbs as a follow up just as you recommended. Thank you so much. Scotland


11 GOLDENSEAL: One cause of stomach cancer can be the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This burrows into the mucous lining of the stomach to ‘hide’ from gastric acids, and then causes irritation, acid reflux, ulcers and even cancer. Goldenseal is generally anti-microbial and is used in the Caribbean and South East Asia against parasites. Goldenseal, helped by the mineral Bismuth, will kill Helicobacter pylori. Vets seem to know this, even if doctors don’t.

12 MILK THISTLE: Known for years to be helpful to the liver, this herb has now been shown to be capable of protecting the liver during chemotherapy. Research in America with leukaemia patients was clear in the reduction of toxicity and chemo side-effects. There is a little evidence that it has its own anti-cancer activity too.

13 PAU D’ARCO: This tree bark was original thought to be a strong preventative anti-cancer agent, but then its actions were clarified as strongly anti-bacterial, anti-yeast and anti-microbial. That alone might be enough in some cases of cancer cause. But new research on the differing ingredients has shown the quinoids posses immune strengthening abilities and seem to help in preveventing cases of blood and lymph serious disease.

14 RED CLOVER: Research from a number of centres including the Royal Marsden has shown its potential as a part of a preventative treatment programme against the development oestrogen-driven cancers, from breast to prostate. One active ingredient in the so-called ‘Herb of Hippocrates’ is the anti-oestrogen Genistein.

15 SHEEP’S SORRELL: Used in Essiac and other herbal remedies it is antiparasitic, cleansing and aids healthy tissue regeneration. There is some suggestion from research that it helps ‘normalise’ damaged cells and tissue.

16 BARBATA (Scutellaria barbata): Research has shown action against many abnormal cell types, for especially of the lung, stomach and intestines.

17 SUTHERLANDIA (Cancer Bush): Peer reviewed research studies indicate that this herb is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It boosts the preventative action of the immune system and inhibits Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF), which is known to drive ‘wasting’ in cancer patients.

18 THOROWAX, or HARES EAR (Bulpleurum scorzoneraefolium): Research has shown its ability to enhance the production of natural interferon and it seems especially preventative against bone cancer.

19 WHEATGRASS: One of the top private hospitals in South East Asia extols the benefits of freshly juiced wheatgrass. One shot gives you the chlorophyll of some 12 or more kilograms of broccoli. It acts as a blood purifier, and liver and kidney cleansing agent. After two weeks of daily use, blood and tissue oxygen levels improve, as does circulation. And oxygen is the enemy of the cancer cell, as Otto Warburg told the world.

There are many other herbal immunomodulators in HerbShield. The immune system is the whole defense system of the body and it is the synergy of action in HerbShield that activates these defenses in every organ and system of the body – the brain and nervous system, the heart and cardiovascular system, the lungs and respiratory system, the liver and hepatic system, the pancreas and digestive system, the gonads and reproductive system, the kidneys and renal system, the lymph glands and the lymphatic system, the skin and whole sensory system (eyes, auditory, tongue and taste, touch and skin, smell and nose). The body is an incredibly complex system. We need to take care of it. It is an interactive, interdependant system. There is nothing like plants and herbal medicine in particular that will keep the whole body in a constant state of homeostasis, balance, and protection from microbial infestation. But we need to eat right, exercise, sleep, and maintain good social involvement, for the body’s defense to work at their optimum. The amazing specific herbs of HerbShield Tonic (backed up by the over 100 herbal powders of the ABC Powder) will keep your body in the best of health.
HerbShield is often recommended as well as other specific tonics for this very reason.

What Diet should you follow when on on cancer treatment. We recommend the Ketogenic Diet which is low is sugars and carbs (5%), low in protein (15%) and high in healthy fats (80%). Full info can be found at the bottom of this page.


PainXS Drops
– the very strongest herbs for severe and acute pain for any condition anywhere in the body; take only 5-10 drops 1-3 times daily. Order at our store, see the Prices


email for more information about HerbShield herbs
Order HerbShield from our online store – we ship the same day!
email herbal practitioner Alan Hopking

Information about Essiac Caisse – formula for life threatening illness – -ACT

Order your tonics here


Testimonial from Trevor who has Beaten Cancer

Hi Alan, I hope you are well. I wanted to share this with you as the help and education you have given me with your products and website, have played a huge role in my experience. Please use all or part of this as you want. Thank you for your support and guidance Alan.
Warmest regards, Trevor

Testimonial- Anal cancer cleared using a natural health protocol with Herb Active tonics and herbs! Read my Story below. Thank you…
In January of this year I was diagnosed with anal cancer, poorly differentiated cells an aggressive form of cancer which is prone to metastasise quickly. They were unable to diagnose the stage of the cancer. I had surgery to remove the very painful tumour.
After a hell of a lot of research, I decided not to have any chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The national statistics have horrifically poor survival rates for my cancer.
I combined 5 natural health protocols, the base of all was Ash Tan’s awesome protocol. (Facebook, c oil group).
1. First I eliminated every toxin in life, Pesticides/herbicides, tap water, soap, shampoo, deodorant, washing up detergent, washing powder, toothpaste, tinfoil and sugar. I also eliminated carbohydrates,dairy, meat, high sugar fruit, dates, bananas and grapes and GMO’s. I ate 90% organic food on a raw vegan diet. If I could not get organically grown fruit and vegetables I soaked it in water with a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide and then scrubbed in clean water.
2. I detoxed my body, starting with the digestive system. I did several parasite death cleanses (Amazing number of parasites came out of my body, cups full of worms and liver fluke). I did three enema’s every other day. (All in one sitting, clean water first, organic ground coffee second and a third with clean water) I replaced all the bad shit with healthy probiotics (Kefir, fermented foods and supplements 20 billion) along with full herb supplement support. Herb Active ABC herbal nutri powder plus and, dosage a teaspoon in a glass of clean water in the morning and evening. I also took Herbshield Tonic from Herbactive 10ml in water in morning and again in the evening.
3. I used the following cancer killers:
– Herbshield Tonic from Herbactive 10ml in water in morning and again in the evening.
– Herbactive’s amazing 100+ whole herbal powder from around the world, ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder Plus. I took this every day and I will never stop it.
–  oil 70% — and also —% and 20% —, 40 grams of — and around 25 grams of —. Dosage — 0.7 gm in one hit, after work, on the gums and approximate half the dosage of … taken forty minutes later. I also used small amounts of … and … in suppositories with coconut oil every other day.
If I had had the luxury of not having to work, I only had a week off after the surgery, I would have really enjoyed the high, the relaxed state of mind, body and soul. Exploring life, music, the countryside and a lot of sleep on another level with the … . But I had just started a new business a month before my diagnosis of cancer. So I had to try and fit it everything into my life at the same time. Hence taking the huge dose in one hit. Which was really difficult to deal with and I had to develop loads of coping mechanisms to function on a daily basis. Thing is, it was worth the hardship as my new business which is nearly a year old now is booming.
– I used Frankincense, organic, Oman Hojari (boswelia sacra) from the amazing Maya. Two drops under the tongue in morning and evening. Plus alternate days with the c oil in home-made suppositories two drops per capsule with coconut oil.
– Cance killers/preventative Bitter apricot kernels approximately 20 a day.
– Essiac tea, two doses, one in the morning and evening. (Tonic from Herb Active), called Caisse-ACT
– 9 rainforest herbs in capsules: Wormwood, Anamu, Cat’s Claw, Graviola, Chanca Pedra, Paud d arco, Camu camu and bitter melon,Suma (Based on Jim Gordon’s cancer protocol on facebook). Dosage: One capsule of each three times a day.
– I also used the following supplements daily: Black Seed cumin oil, a teaspoon a day. Nascent Iodine, two drops a day. Milk Thistle oil a teaspoon twice a day. Ashwaghanda two capsules a day. Wormless parasite cleanse, from Herb Active.
– I also drank a litre of clean water through the day with 5 gms of Vitamin C and 5 gms of bicarbonate of soda and a quarter teaspoon of Borax, each day. (The borax cured my shoulder which had been disabled for 14 months in three weeks)
– I put a small piece of Myrrh under my tongue for 15 minutes a day.
– Every morning I would, make a juice, half a glass of fresh celery and then twenty minutes later a glass of juice with raw beetroot, a whole lemon, an apple, a carrot and a teaspoon of wheatgrass and a teaspoon of spirulina.
– I made a fresh fruit smoothie with nuts and seeds in coconut water for during the day. (I would put the fruit, nuts and seeds in coconut water the night before to soak and soften the nuts)
– Every evening I made a fresh salad with fruit, nuts and seeds.
– I also drank a quarter glass of olive oil, a teaspoon of turmeric, a teaspoon of vitamin c and half a teaspoon of black pepper.

My body was, 95% of the time, high alkaline. (Tested three times a day) I made it impossible for cancer to live in my body. I believe cancer needs an acid environment and sugar as a basic to thrive. After the detox and giving my body awesome nutrition, I gave my body a chance to heal itself. Our whole body has been grown from a single cell, I believe if you give it a chance… do you think we can heal ourselves?
I lost two and a half stone in two months from 11 and half stone to a fighting fit nine stone.
On top of that I had an extremely positive attitude. I absolutely knew I could cure cancer (a symptom of an illness. I am still working on the illness, another 9 months and a lifetime of healthy protocols, to go for me) I did not have any fear, depression or anxiety. I used EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique therapy (Supported by Michelle Hardwick, release peace), Daily Wim Hoff breathing and daily oxygenating exercise (after work), dry body brushing and cold showers. I grounding myself everyday in the local lake. The side effects of my natural health treatments are… good health In a nutshell.
The cancer came back very rapidly in the middle of my natural health protocol along the scar from the surgery. The surgeon predicted this as the biopsy on the tumour showed that they had not removed all the cancer.
After the first month I went on a 7 day fast to complete a liver cleanse, (Andreas Moritz) No c oil, no supplements, I only drank apple juice. Two days into the fast the cancer came back and grew 2cm in three or four days and then disappeared in the same amount of time. The only natural medicine I was using during this time was Maya’s amazing frankincense oil (Mayafrankoil@yahoo.co.uk) in suppositories. I put this return of the cancer down to the Herxheimer effect.
I had a full body CT and MRI scan last week and I am completely free of cancer. The second clear scan in five months.

The surgeon and oncologist were dumbstruck.

I had a horrific experience with the NHS surgeon, oncologist and cancer nurse’s, they gave me absolutely no support, they lied to me several times trying to intimidate and to bully me in to their treatments. And then washed there hands of me, dismissing good nutrition, mocking “alternative” therapy and my rock solid belief in myself. I had to threaten them with media exposure to get my first MRI and CT scans. They are currently treating me in the same manner and I have had to threaten them again for the recent scans.

The following are great resources for base level research:

Ty Bollinger, the truth about Cancer.
Doctor Morse. Master fast system
Alan Hopking Herb Active
Doctor Peter Glidden
Doctor Peter Barnes
Chris Wark
Michelle Hardwick, release peace.

I cannot express enough, in words, how valuable your questions, answers, information, experiences and support have been on my journey. The facebook groups and holistic natural healing websites are priceless (and for free) I am humbled by the collective generosity of the human spirit. Especially from the legendary Guru Alan Hopking and his herbs. This journey has been educationally enlightening and an incredible experience. Thank you. Om Shanti.

To summarise :
Eliminate Toxins in life.
Detoxify, cleanse your mind and body.
Eat organic food with a full herb support.
Supplement in areas of deficiency.
Develop your Mental health.

I used my natural health protocol and Alan Hopking’s amazing natural health products with my positive mind to defeat cancer x


for prices of these products please click here

Order your tonics here



Health benefits of Keto Diet confirmed by science: cancer resistant, lowers blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health, cures diabetes type 2 and improves type 1, resists Alzheimer’s, clears general inflammation, clears arthritis, clears indigestion, improved mental clarity, removes depression, prevents parasitic infestation, improves skin tone, regulates hormones, improved metabolism and fat loss, etc, etc. All this is due to the ketones produced in your liver when following a strict Ketogenic Diet. The ketones are used as your primary energy source rather than glucose (from sugar and carbs).

Tips Before Starting
For most normal people, the amounts of fats and protein will be enough to naturally keep you satiated and naturally keep you in a calorie deficit. That said, it doesn’t always allow you to lose weight when you are consuming more than your own body is expending.
“Macros” is a shortened version of macronutrients. These are the “big 3” – fats (80%), proteins (15%), and carbs (5%). You can use an online calculator based on your present weight, to find out how much or how little of each you need in order to attain your goals. A lot of people take their macros as a “set in stone” type of thing. You shouldn’t worry about hitting the mark every single day to the dot. If you’re a few calories over some days, a few calories under on others – it’s fine. Everything will even itself out in the end. It’s all about a long-term plan that can work for you, and not the other way around.
To increase calorie intake is easy – increase the amounts of fat you eat. Olive oil, coconut oil, macadamia nuts, and butter are great ways to increase fats without getting too much of the other stuff in the way. Drizzle it on salads, slather it on vegetables, snack on it, do what you need to do to make it work in your favour! See our comprehensive list below. To decrease calories, you will have to think about what you need. Most likely, you will need less protein as well. So, keep in mind the portions of sizes of meals. Decrease them as you need to or see fit.
Last, but certainly not least, is sticking to the diet! Ketosis is a very healthy change that happens in your body. You can’t just have “that one” cheat meal. If you do, it can hamper progress for up to a week before your body is back in ketosis and normally functioning again. You want to keep your cheats to none. Be prepared, make sure you’re eating what you need to be satiated (“full”), and make sure you’re satisfied with what you’re eating. If you have to force yourself to eat something, it will never work out in the end. This is just a guideline on how you can eat on a ketogenic diet.

Keep the net carb count around 20g or less a day, this would be a great way to quickly get yourself into ketosis.
Do intermittent fasting (IF), it has huge health benefits, and weight loss benefits, and the like. People normally use intermittent fasting for both the energy and mental clarity it can offer. But it’s not just good for that. It can help to breakthrough plateaus and even benefits in nutrient uptake in exercise. IF can be 12, 18, 24 or 36 hours. Try it!
Products used regularly: Almond Flour, Milled Flaxseed Meal, Coconut Flour, Erythritol, Liquid or white Stevia (buy from Herbactive.co.uk).

Meal Plan Introduction

Breakfast. For breakfast, you want to do something that’s quick, easy, tasty. Eggs. (“Naked, organic”) Bacon. Or, simply, Keto Coffee (which will last you all day, providing you drink water or herb tea every hour), see below how to make it.

Lunch. Most of the time, it’ll be salad and meat, slathered in high fat dressings. You can use leftover meat from previous nights. If you do use canned meats, try to read the labels and get the one that uses the least (or no) additives! Fish or hard cheese. A small salad.

Dinner. Dinner will be a combination of leafy greens (e.g. broccoli, kale, spinach) with some meat or fish. Again, we’ll be going high on the fat and moderate on the protein. Fish. Lamb. Beef. Greens. P.S. No dessert for the first 2 weeks. Then have just a few berries with double cream or mascarpone or cream cheese with stevia.

Keto coffee. This is a mixture of coconut oil, butter, and heavy cream in your coffee (also add MCT Oil if you can). This is how you make it: Add to your blender: a cup of piping hot coffee. 1Tbsp grass fed butter (or organic ghee). 1Tbsp Coconut oil (and MCT oil). 1Tbsp double cream – optional. Some cinnamon. (Also add 1tsp turmeric for a tweak to the taste). A little stevia to sweeten. Pinch of salt and pepper. 15-20 seconds in your blender, and you’re ready to enjoy it. This concoction is not as strange as it sounds. Butter, after all, is made out of cream. So when you blend the oil, butter, and cream together it just adds a decadent richness to your coffee that you’ll really like! It will help you get into ketosis (and start losing weight).


BOOSTS KETONES: Very high purity source of C8 MCT. C8 MCT is the best MCT to increase blood ketones.
INCREASES MENTAL AND PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE: As MCT oil increases ketone production, it becomes a readily available source of fuel for your body, so it is extremely valuable for people participating in sports. Improves decision-making on the pitch or in the game. Increased ketone production results in a higher level of endurance and an increased ability to perform to a higher standard for a prolonged period of time.
WEIGHT LOSS BENEFITS: MCT is highly recommended especially in a healthy keto diet. It can also help you lose weight because it is quickly burned and metabolised.
EASILY DIGESTED: No issues with digestion or diarrhoea when you follow our directions. Indigestion, loose stools, stomach aches caused by other MCT oils will not occur with our high quality C8 Oil.
NON-GMO, KETO, PALEO & VEGAN SAFE: Herbactive’s all-natural MCT Oil is suitable for consumption in all diets and is completely non-allergenic. It is free of wheat, milk, eggs, peanut and shellfish and is entirely sourced from non-GMO coconut.
PURE KETONE ENERGY: Boosts energy levels by giving the body a natural ketone fuel source (transferring it from using glucose and sugar). This is clean energy. It does not raise blood glucose and has a much lower insulin response than other fuels (glucose, sugar, protein etc.) and even similar foods (e.g. coconut oil, other MCT oils with C10 and C12 MCTs). Getting into healthy ketosis your energy will last significantly longer than glucose and carbs (i.e. up to 5 hours).
EASY FOR ANY DIET: Herbactive MCT Oil is odorless, tasteless and can be substituted for other oils oils eg olive oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, etc. Easy to mix in protein shakes, smoothies, keto coffee, or any other types of drinks for sustained energy.

Herbactive MCT Oil
Boosts Ketones More Than Most Other MCTs (because of the C8 levels in our oil)| | Paleo & Vegan Friendly | Gluten Free | BPA-Free Plastic Bottle | over 80% Caprylic Acid | The higher the purity of MCT oil, the more your body will get into healthy ketosis.
INSTANT BOOST OF ENERGY: Herbactive MCT oil converts into ketones which then allows your body to have an instant boost of energy (which is better  and longer lasting than glucose burning [carbs and sugars]).
INCREASED MENTAL CLARITY: Caprylic acid (C8) in Herbactive MCT oil is known to support an increase in cognitive function; helps low states of mind and depression.
FUNGI KILLING PROPERTIES: Capric acid (C10) (20% of our oil) are known to fight against infectious pathogens. High purity MCT oil also improves digestion and can increases nutrient uptake (take our ABC NutriPowder with MCT oil!).
ENHANCES ALL THE BENEFITS OF STAYING IN A HEALTHY KETOSIS (i.e following a keto diet as Herbactive Health has outlined here)
DOSE/SERVING: Take 1 tablespoon (15ml) between 1 to 3 times a day. First time users should take 1 tablespoon a day for the first week unless you have previously used MCT oil. But always start on half-1 teaspoon 1-2 times daily to allow your body to get used to it.
Country of origin United Kingdom

Buy Herbactive MCT Oil on our store!

Remember low or no carbs: no grains, no root veg, no fruit (except a few berries) allowed (you will get a few carbs from greens, proteins, cheese, and seeds and nuts (i.e. only eat a little!).
Foods to eat: grass fed lamb, beef, wild game, fowl, fish, hard cheese, cream cheese, full fat double cream butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, green leafy veg and salad, fresh kitchen herbs, spices. Full fat mayo. Organic cider vinegar. But be aware of calories – don’t overdo it.
Make soups with veg, dry herbs, beans, lentils, marmite, meat stock, etc then strain off the liquid to drink in place of a meal.
Drink water 3-4L per day (this may include herb teas, coffee, herb coffee); no milk (use cream instead).
Sweeten with pure white stevia (buy from Herbactive).
Remember: only eat when you’re hungry; and only eat until you’re satisfied (don’t overeat), then stop.

FOODS TO EAT (but be careful with some of them as they have more carbs! Proteins also can turn into carbs!)
Here is more detailed info about what is acceptable for a healthy Keto Diet (try and buy organic, grass fed, free range):
Fat (80% of your plate): avocado, avocado oil, blue cheese, brie cheese, butter, cocoa butter, coconut butter, coconut oil, red palm oil, salad dressing, cream cheese, duck fat, eggs – all kinds (boil, fry, scramble, omelette, baking, etc), ghee, lard, macadamia oil, MCT oil (more about this below), sesame oil, tallow, walnut oil, double cream.
Protein (15% of your plate): (Naked) bacon, beef, cheese, chicken, cottage cheese, deer, deli meat, duck, goat, goose, lamb, pepperoni, pheasant, pork, quail, rabbit, salami, sausages (>80%), turkey, veal, wild boar; bone marrow, heart, kidney, liver, tongue, tripe.
– Fish: anchovies, bass, cod, eel, haddock, halibut, herring, mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna, sole, and all the others.
Sea food: abalone, caviar, clams, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, shrimp, squid, octopus.
– Nuts and seeds: almonds, brazils, chia, hazels, hemp seeds, macadamia, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, nut butters, sesame, sunflower seeds, tahini, walnuts.
Vegetables: artichoke, arugula, asparagus, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, lettuce, cabbage, celery, chard, chives, olives cucumber, dandelion greens, eggplant, endive, fennel, garlic green beans, jicama, kale, kimchi, kohlrabi, leeks, leafy greens, mushrooms (all kinds) mustard greens, okra, lives, onions, parsley, peppers, radicchio, radish, rhubarb, sauerkraut, scallions, seaweed (all sea veg), shallots, spaghetti squash, spinach, swiss chard, tomatoes, turnip greens, watercress, zucchini.
Berries (only a few/day): blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, lemon, lime, raspberry, strawberry, black and red currents.
Liquids: water (>2.5L/day), coffee (black or with double cream), mineral water, tea – black or herb teas, almond milk, broth (chicken, beef, bone), club soda, coconut milk.
Other: almond flour/meal, cacao nibs, cacao powder, coconut flakes, coconut flour, fish oil, fermented veg, fish sauce, gelatine, tamari sauce, mayo (full fat), mustard, pickles, stevia (to sweeten), vanilla extract, vinegar.
Vegan proteins: hummus, lentils, mushrooms, nut butters, seed butters, protein powders (pea, hemp), seeds, spirulina, sprouted beans, tofu/tempe (organic fermented).
MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides, mainly caprylic acid) separated from organic coconut oil, it is very healthy; it stops the deposition of fat in the cells; it turns into ketones to become the body’s main source of energy in place of glycogen (sugar and carbs); it increases thermogenesis (burns fat for energy); increases energy, endurance; improves memory and brain clarity; helps to prevent Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease; increases HDL and lowers LDL cholesterol; improves digestion and nutrient absorption; has a balancing effect on the microbiota; it is antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

All other foods should be avoided because they will pull you out of the benefits of burning ketones as energy and burning fat, and you will start to burn glucose (glycogen) and start storing fat and water again, and feel low and look bloated.

Once you start this and experience the many benefits, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start it years ago!

Best of health, Alan Hopking



Supportive Herbal Information for Serious Illness :
Caisse – formula for life threatening illness – Organic Alcohol-free Concentrated Tincture
BreastShield and BlackSalve Strong Internal Tonic (and ointment)
White Blood Cell Count
ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder Plus
WheatGrass Juice
Total Detox Tonic
WormLess Anti-parasitic Tonic
Adaptogenic Tonic (herbal blood cleanser)

Order your tonics here

Herbal Medicine in the Preventive Treatment to Protect against the development of Cancer
The Immune System
Preventive Herbal Treatment vs Cancer
