herbal ointments, creams and lotions


Herbactive ointments

We make all kinds of ointments to order. Any herb or combination of herbs can be made into an ointment. The most popular single herb ointments have stood the test of time, notably Arnica, Calendular (also called Marigold), Comfrey, Witchazel, Pilewort, Chickweed, Marshmallow. Longer action, slow delivery of active principles through the skin to the area of treatment.
One of the most popular ointments in recent times is Blood Root Ointment for polyps, growths, etc, see more at bloodroot
Ask our herbalist Alan Hopking for advice of the best ointment for your needs.

Like ointments, we make all kinds of creams from single or multiple herbs. Short-term action; needs to be reapplied often.
Ask our herbalist Alan Hopking for advice of the best cream for your needs.

Lotions are often a preferred method of skin treatment where possible. Lotions are quickly absorbed and have a strong effect. Reapply often through the day for maximum effect.
Ask Alan Hopking for advice of the best lotion for your needs.

Order your specific ointment, cream or lotion by contacting our herbalist with 30 years experience 0800 0834436 or by email