Herbs and Parkinson’s Disease


Parkinson’s tonic


Mucuna versus Madopar

– notes taken from “Mucuna versus Parkinson’s” by Dr Raphael González Maldonado, neurologist.
A book which references 102 articles, papers and research studies.

[see more about this herb Mucuna (Velvet Bean) below]


Hi Alan. Neurologists say my mom has Parkinson’s, she is currently taking Sinemet. I ordered her your Mucuna and Parkinson’s Tonic. She is finding it to be very helpful and I plan to order more. We hope to replace some of her Sinemet with the Mucuna. SD Canada


► In studies directly comparing Mucuna with synthetic ldopa drugs, Mucuna produces a faster improvement in mobility, higher levodopa levels, and clinical efficacy was more durable. Like the Olympic motto “faster, higher, stronger”.

► Comparing like doses, the levodopa from mucuna is approximately twice as powerful at controlling Parkinson’s symptoms.

► Mucuna doesn’t produce dyskinesia.

► Mucuna has been shown to work without the need for benserazide/carbidopa, suggesting that it contains ingredients which have a similar effect.

► Mucuna is neuro protective. An experiment on mice induced with Parkinsons, for brain analysis after a year of mucuna treatment, showed that the endogenous levels of levodopa, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in the substantia nigra were significantly restored.

► Mucuna is non toxic.

► Mucuna has chelating and antioxidant properties.

► With mucuna, it is not necessary to gradually increase the dose as time goes on, as is the case with madopar.

► Thousands or millions of patients with Parkinsons’s have been treated with mucuna for millennia in Hindu medicine. From what we know, results have been good with few side effects.

► Mucuna has a wider therapeutic window than madopar.

► With mucuna there are fewer oscillations in therapeutic effectiveness.

► In Ayurvedic medicine the use of the velvet bean, studies have shown, causes a rise in testosterone levels, increased muscle mass and strength and it also improves coordination and attention.

► Apart from natural levodopa, mucuna pruriens has other ingredients that show outstanding features for Parkinson’s. To date 50 substances have been found in the powder of its seeds. Some other substances have carbidopa type ingredients. Together they increase mucuna’s effectiveness. NB Mucuna is one of the herbal powders in Herbactive’s ABC Daily Herbal NutriPowder Plus.

► Mucuna increases the adaptation and regeneration of tissues in general.

► It has an anabolic effect and increases muscle mass.

► It has antioxidant properties that favours the protective functions of the liver.

► t has been shown to lower cholesterol in rats by 61%

► Mucuna improves the appetite.

► Mucuna contains prurienine which increases intestinal peristalsis and is a good remedy to regulate the bowel and for constipation.

► Mucuna has been used for thousands of years and, according to what we know, showed fewer side effects than synthetic drugs.

► The gray hair of patients treated with mucuna has been seen to return to former darker colour. NB Mucuna is included in Herbactive’s hair tonics for women and men, HairMoreMen Tonic and HaerHaer Tonic (W).


Biotoxins as Neurotoxins

The presentation of biotoxin exposure often parallels neurological and psychological impairment due to the interrelationship between the ENS (Enteral Nervous System) and the CNS. The biliary tree, gall bladder, and bile formation within the liver serve in the vital processes of detoxication (disposal of waste products bilirubin, heavy metals, biotoxins, xenobiotics), lipid metabolism, transport and digestion (bile acids). Abnormalities of the hepatobiliary system may involve biliary stasis whereby infectious material or biotoxins reside within the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder, as a viscous suspension in biliary sludge.

Biotoxins as bacteria, viruses, parasites, spirochetes, dinoflagelletes, and fungus may be within biliary sludge often creating neurotoxins impacting the CNS via the ENS, or the Second Brain (gut). The occurrence of biliary sludge may be due to prolonged fasting, low fat intake, high carbohydrate diets or exposure to pathogens. Restriction of dietary fat may impair biliary flow which would be contraindicated in attempting to clear toxicity as bile is paramount to cleansing the body and getting biotoxins and heavy metals excreted into the fecal matter.

Neurotoxins are minute compounds between 200-1000 KD (kilodaltons) that are comprised of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfate atoms arranged in such a way as to make the outside of the molecule fat loving and water hating. As such, once it enters the body, it tends to bind to structures that are rich in fat such as most of our cells, especially the liver, kidney, and brain. Neurotoxins are capable of dissolving in fatty tissue and moving through it, crossing cell membranes (transporting against a gradient, particularly with potassium) disrupting the electrical balance of the cell itself.

As fat soluble neurotoxins move through the cells of the body from the GI tract to sinus to lung to eye to muscle, to joint to nerve, whereby they eventually enter the liver and the bile. Once neurotoxins bind with bile they have access to the liver, the body is poisoned over and over again as the bile is re-circulated (first released into the intestine to digest fats, and then reabsorbed).

Neurotoxins cause damage by disrupting sodium and calcium channel receptors, attacking enzyme reactions involved in glucose production thereby disrupting energy metabolism in the cell, manufacturing renegade fatty acids as saturated very long chain, odd chain and branched chain fatty acids impairing membrane function, stimulating enzymes (PLA2) which uncouple essential fatty acids from the cell membrane and impairing the function of the nuclear receptor PPAR gamma which partially controls transcription (the conversion of instructions held in our DNA to RNA which then leads to translation or protein production in the cell).

Heavy Metals reside in Fatty Tissue with Biotoxins

Heavy metals are also lipid soluble and often compound the removal of biotoxins (Aschner et al 1990, 1998; Dutzak 1991). As has been observed by many clinicians, often as the patients’ heavy metal toxicity is addressed they are faced with the additional complication of the presence of biotoxins. Biotoxins and heavy metal exposure co-exist within the cell membrane and fatty tissue requiring consideration for both types of toxicity in regard to patient intervention.

By stabilizing glutathione we in turn impact metallothionein markers (Nordberb and Nordberb 2000, Ebadi et al 1995, Sato et al 1995, Kerper et al 1996, Susanto et al 1998), glycoaminoglycans or GAGS (Klein 1992), methylation, sulfation, hepatic and renal function as we introduce treatment protocols for detoxication with gentle, natural modalities that unload cellular toxicity safely. The herbal Total Detox Tonic is a remarkably useful method to unload the body burden of heavy metals and neurotoxins without side effects. Detoxification.

Pesticide exposure, Parkinson’s link
Latest Science News — ScienceDaily / 24 May 2018
Previous studies have found an association between two commonly used agrochemicals (paraquat and maneb) and Parkinson’s disease. Now a professor has determined that low-level exposure to the pesticides disrupts cells in a way that mimics the effects of mutations known to cause Parkinson’s disease. Adding the effects of the chemicals to a predisposition for Parkinson’s disease drastically increases the risk of disease onset.
This further compounds the need for complete detoxification, the best of which is Herbactive’s TotalDetox Tonic. For more about this tonic, go to detoxification.

Renegade fatty acids as Neurotoxin Markers

Renegade fats as very long chain fats (VLCFAs) that are over expressed, disrupt the membrane structure. There is a beautiful geometry to the membrane that is highly sensitive to the size of the lipid chains. The overall width of the fatty acid portion of the membrane is ~3 ½ nm which must be maintained for stability. Saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids with a length of 16 or 18 carbons and polyunsaturated fatty acids of 18 to 22 carbons are preferred to permit the structure to maintain optimal horizontal fluidity. VLCSF As that range from 20 to 26 carbons force the parallel dimensions vertically. There simply is not enough room. The distortion weakens the phosphate bonds that derive their strong attraction only as long as the phospholipids are parallel to each other on both sides of the membrane. The cell weakness is then expressed in leaky attraction to ion channels and receptors which marginalize cell cytosol fluids and electrolytes with the only option as early cell death.


Hi Alan. This is my experience. Five years ago I started taking Madopar, one of the two syntheitic ldopa prescription drugs used in Parkinson’s. Sinimet being the other. People with Parkinson’s (PwP) accept the drug because initially it helps with rigiditiy, balance, tremor etc by supplying the brain with ldopa (dopamine). However, most people find that they need to increase the dose over time, which, when it gets to a certain amount (some say 500mg) causes toxicity and very unpleasant side effects, such as dyskinesia (Have a look at Michael J Fox these days). So, many PwP look for something which will give them all the benefits without the problems. I believe Mucuna is that alternative, not that many neurologists approve of us taking it. Well, they know nothing about it, to be fare. ‘Mucuna versus Parkinsons’ is an excellent book written by the neurologist Dr Maldonado in which he details why mucuna is better than madopar/sinimet.
A year ago I swapped two of my four madopar daily tablets for mucuna. I found no difference in my symptoms which indicated that mucuna was helping me just as well as the madopar. I lost all my rigidity at this time, which may or may not have been down to the mucuna. The mucuna capsules I took, I got from America, and I found they lost their potency the longer the tub was opened. My Bowen therapist has a vegatest device (which works like muscle testing) and was able to see clearly the difference between a new tub and a tub which had been opened for three weeks. So I was looking for a better mucuna product and found yours! Incidently, your mucuna tincture tested very well and my Bowen man said the vegatest device showed the tincture to be very pure.
I would say, therefore, that mucuna helps everything that madopar does. PwP all have different symptoms of course, but for me it helps bradykinesia, tremor and rigidity. Mucuna offers far more though. I’m sorry this ended up being long but I hope there might be something of interest in it!
Best wishes, D


The Brain is Comprised of 60% Fat

To view the brain beyond its architecture as a biological orchestration of the physical and chemical constituents necessary for performance, we cannot begin to conceptualize without considering the importance of fatty acids as the human brain is 60% lipid. Dendrites and synapses are up to 80% in lipid content. Although Arachidonic Acid (AA) has been given a negative association, it is the most prominent essential fatty acid in the red cell and comprises 12% of the total brain and 15.5% of the body lipid content.

If AA is depleted by overdosing with marine or flax oil establishing the balance of the EFAs is profoundly impaired. Often both prostaglandin one and two series relating to omega six metabolism are compromised when flax and marine oils are overdosed or lipid intake is insufficient. When AA, the lead eicosanoid of the body, is suppressed due to excess intake of omega 3, toxicity or disease the control circuitry of the body is impaired as is clearly viewed in the patient’s presentation. Arachidonic acid is preferentially wasted in states of heavy metal toxicity (Tiin and Lin, 1998) and has been observed to be sharply suppressed in RBC lipid analysis in states of heavy metal toxicity (Kane, clinical observation 1997-2002).
With thanks to John Foster, M.D., Patricia Kane, Ph.D., Neal Speight, M.D.
(for full article see http://www.mercola.com/2003/aug/9/detoxification_biotoxins.htm)

Parkinson’s Herbal Tonic uses herbs to address some of the symptoms of parkinson’s disease:

1. Bradykinesia is slowness in voluntary movement. It produces difficulty initiating movement as well as difficulty completing movement once it is in progress. The delayed transmission of signals from the brain to the skeletal muscles, due to diminished dopamine, produces bradykinesia. – there are nervine herbs to try to help this condition: see NerveShield Tonic

2. Tremors in the hands, fingers, forearm, or foot tend to occur when the limb is at rest but not when performing tasks. Tremor may occur in the mouth and chin as well. – there are relaxant nervines to try to reduce the tremor. Se WorryLess Tonic

3. Rigidity, or stiff muscles, may produce muscle pain and an expressionless, mask-like face. Rigidity tends to increase during movement. – there are vascular dilators to help the muscles relax and perform more normally. Heart and Circulation Tonic

4. Poor balance is due to the impairment or loss of the reflexes that adjust posture in order to maintain balance. Falls are common in people with Parkinson’s. – there are general ‘awareness’ stimulating herbs to try to improve the reflexes in patients. See Menieres Tonic (for vertigo)

5. Parkinsonian gait is the distinctive unsteady walk associated with Parkinson’s disease. There is a tendency to lean unnaturally backward or forward, and to develop a stooped, head-down, shoulders-drooped stance. Arm swing is diminished or absent and people with Parkinson’s tend to take small shuffling steps (called festination). Someone with Parkinson’s may have trouble starting to walk, appear to be falling forward as they walk, freeze in mid-stride, and have difficulty making a turn.


Hello Mr Hopking, I’m getting on very well with the mucuna from you. I have more energy and less rigidity, in fact no rigidity.
Thank you so much.

Yours sincerely, Mrs H. England


Secondary Symptoms
The progressive loss of voluntary and involuntary muscle control produces a number of secondary symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. Most patients do not experience all of them, and symptoms vary in intensity from person to person. Some secondary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include the following:
* Constipation – gentle bowel activating herbs are included; if it becomes more serious take MoveMore1 or MoveMore2
* Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)–saliva and food that collects in the mouth or back of the throat may cause choking, coughing, or drooling – the relaxant herbs in the tonic may help this condition
* Excessive salivation (hypersalivation) – this condition may respond the the tonic
* Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) – this condition may respond to the tonic action (or else SweatLess Herbal Tonic may help)
* Loss of bladder and/or bowel control (incontinence) – use WaterLess or IncoLess Tonics
* Loss of intellectual capacity (dementia)–late in the disease – use ForgetLess Tonic or MentalPepTalk or BrainMore
* Psychosocial: anxiety, depression, isolation – there are herbs for stress in Parkinson’s Tonic; or use WorryLess
* Scaling, dry skin on the face and scalp (seborrhea) – there are herbs for general skin health in Parkinson’s Tonic; or use SkinClear Tonic
* Slow response to questions (bradyphrenia) – MentalPepTalk
* Small, cramped handwriting (micrographia)
* Soft, whispery voice (hypophonia)

Did you Know? The Source of Dopamine is in a Plant: Mucuna pruriens
Some plants are a rich source of chemicals that scientists have used to make medicines to help people with diseases of the nervous system.
One plant, Mucuna pruriens – velvet bean, is a rich source of l-dopa, the chemical that is converted to the neurotransmitter called dopamine. It has been used in Indian herbal medicine (Ayurveda) for 100s of years. The plant contains relatively high (3–7% dry weight) levels of L-DOPA. Mucuna pruriens –  velvet bean, cowhage, cowitch, yerepa. This herb contains L-dopa and is used for parkinsons disease (for centuries by Ayurvedic Medicine) and is in our Parkinson’s Tonic. It is still used to increase libido in both men and women due to its dopamine inducing properties. Mucuna pruriens seeds have also been found to have antidepressant properties in cases of depressive neurosis when consumed. Mucuna pruriens seeds contain high concentrations of levodopa, a direct precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine. It has long been used in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine for diseases including Parkinson’s Disease. It has been shown to be as effective as pure levodopa/carbidopa in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, but no data on long-term efficacy and tolerability is available. In addition to levodopa, Mucuna also contains serotonin (5-HT), 5-HTP, nicotine, N,N-DMT (DMT), bufotenine, and 5-MeO-DMT. The mature seeds of the plant contain about 3.1-6.1% L-DOPA,[9] with trace amounts of 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), nicotine, DMT-n-oxide, bufotenine, 5-MeO-DMT-n-oxide, and beta-carboline. The leaves contain about 0.5% L-DOPA, 0.006% dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 0.0025% 5-MeO-DMT and 0.003% DMT n-oxide. Mucuna is also used as a dietary supplement and it will help the deposition of protein to strengthen muscles and prevent muscle wasting. It is known to restore mental alertness and to improve coordination. In summary: Mucuna is used for Parkinsons Disease; it helps the nervous system; it regulates the sex hormones; it protects muscle mass and strength; it enhances mental functioning. You can order Mucuna tincture and/or Parkinsons Tonic from our webstore


Hi Alan, I’m liking your mucuna! A dose of 4 ml is replacing one of my 50mg madopar tablets. I’ve swapped two madopar for 2x4ml of mucuna very satisfactorily. I believe, very strongly, that mucuna is a much better treatment for Parkinson’s than synthetic ldopa. And I believe your tincture to be a particularly pure tincture.


Order our Parkinson Tonic to help support the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Or order both the tonic and the mucuna tincture from our webstore 
Note: we do not actually treat the causes of Parkinson’s Disease. Find out more about herbal medicine for treatment of this condition

Other tonics that may be useful
ABC Daily Herbal NutrientPowder
TotalDetox Tonic